Friday, March 3, 2017


Holden leaves the skating rink, has lunch, and thinks some more about giving Jane a call. He thinks about taking her dancing. He saw her once , dancing with another "moron" named Al Pike who used to wear tight bathing suits and jump off the high dive to show off his muscles. He says if a girl likes a guy, she will say he has an inferiority complex, matter how much jerk he is, and if she doesn't like him, she will say he's conceited, no matter how nice a person he is. Pondering aside, he gives jane a call and hangs up when no one answers. He does need some company for the evening, though, so he looks his address book. Unfortunately, there only three numbers in it: Jane, a former teacher named Mr. Antolini, and his father's office. So he ends up giving Carl luce a call, a guy he used to go to school with at Whooton before he hot kicked out. The wicker bar is located in the Swanky Seton Hotel. Holden doesn't go there as much anymore because its got phonies. Carl shows up, and Holden gives us the backstory: Luce was supposed to be his student adviser at Whooton, but all he did was give all the boys talks about sex and who was a flirt. Holden is surprisingly energetic in his attempts at conversation. he asks right away about carl's sex life, college major etc. they continued to  talk for a while.

In this two chapter Holden talks about sexuality a lot. for a fellow who dislikes phonies so much, Holden collects more than his share; Luce us an obvious example. Holden is slightly suspicious but impressed nonetheless. His own sexuality bothers him, as he openly admits in the conversation with Luce.


1) What frustrates Holden about girls and the guys they date?
Ans: If a girl like a boy, no matter how bad he is, they will say he has an inferiority complex, and if they don't like him, no matter how nice a guy he is, they will say he is conceited.

2) Where does Holden go to pass the time before meeting Carl Luce for a drink? why is it surprising that he goes there?
Ans: He goes to the movie at Radio City. it was surprising because Holden hated the movies.

Holden talking to Carl about his college and sexual life.

From  Monday's presentations

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