Friday, February 24, 2017


When Holden reach's Mr. spencer's house, he went to his room and saw him reading ATLANTIC MONTHLY. They talked about Mr.thurmer, the headmaster, and the way he told Holden that life is a game, later on he noticed that a big lecture is  coming so he decide to leave. as he heads out the front door he thinks he hear spencer yelling something like "Good luck!" after him. He heads to pencey after, on the way he tells he is a liar "the most terrific liar you ever saw in your life.When he reaches Pencey he goes straight  to his room and start to chill for a while by reading (Out Of Africa). Later on one of his friend shows up (Ackley) Holden isn't interest  because ackley is a type of person that touches your stuff with out permission and never puts it back in its place.after sometime his roommate Stradlater shows up  asking him for  his hound's-tooth jacket.
Stradlater takes off his shirt and tie so he can have a shave and show off his fantastic body. Meanwhile, his date is waiting in the annex. Holden asks him about his date and when Stradlater says his date's name is Jane Gallagher, Holden nearly drops dead. Stradlater knows nothing about this girl, but Holden goes on that how she used to dance ballet when she was little, when they played checker, she would never move her king from the back row because she "liked the way they look.Holden and Jane was close friends a while ago. Stradlater asks Holden if can do his essay as he is not going any where. he start writing an essay when nothing pops up on his mind so he just start writing about his brother(Allie) who died of leukemia in 1946. later on Holden and his friend Mal Brossard take the bus into ton for the night. Its still saturday night. Holden is awake and worrying about Jane and the possibility of roomie stradlater getting it on with her. it when Stradlater finally comes back, return's hound's tooth jacket, and notably says nothing about his date. Holden asks about Jane. later on they get into a fight and Stradlater smacks holden a good one in the nose, resulting in quite the bloody mess. Holden decide to leave penecy and packs his stuff. wears his hunting hat and yells down the corridor at the top of his lungs. sleep tight, ya morons!"

Corresponding  Questions:

1) what "phony" or "fake" thing do people do that really bothers you ?
Ans: when you meet someone after a long time and they say "Hey! We should hang out sometimes", this is most likely fake because no one says this and mean it. To hangout you have to spend at least a certain amount of time together.

2) what percentage of the day your bored? what bores you and why ?
Ans: As we are busy with studies, i would say i am bored about 10% of the day because there is time in everyone's life where they have nothing to do and i think this is the time that we should use towards ourselves and think about the things we will be doing in the future.

3)Are u bitter about life? what about life makes you the most depressed?
Ans: Yes Sometimes, when you notice the people around you are just staying with you  for a reason. When you do your best to keep them happy, but when you have problems in your life or you need help, they never stay with you or just leave you alone with everything  that's when you become depressed.

4)explain a time when your incredibly jealous of someone. did you do anything about it?
Ans: I become jealous when ever i see someone doing better then me and think to myself  "why is he better then me". So what i do is try my best to do better then them or if not better, at least equal to them.


We see that Holden is very judgmental in the book and he has a very peculiar attitude toward other people. For example he mentions a lot times about Ackley's pimples and how they disgust them. we see that Holden doesn't car enough for school  and fails four of his subjects introverted and doesn't like talking to people. Throughout  the book we see that Holden is trying to alienate himself from the rest of crowd. he has bad habit of judging people, this eventually leads to the downfall of him. We also see him wearing his red hat which is also a way for him to alienate himself from the rest of the school. There is a very slangy language used in the book. many if not all the characters casually swear in the book. Many examples such as "like a bastard" and "goddamn" are used in the book by characters quite frequently.

Make up Questions:

1) what does the fight between Holden and Stradlater tell us about Holden?
Ans: The fight tells us that Holden has a high regard for women he cares about and in this it Jane.He is defending her in a way. Holden also calls Stradlater a moron  and Stradlater fights him which show how immature they can be.

2) why do you think Holden wants to alienate himself?
Ans: I think Holden want to alienate himself because he doesn't  feel sharing his personal life with other people and keeping himself a part from  other is a good way for him to not talk about himself and adhere introverted personalities.

I think in the next chapters as he moves to New York, he will do something to make himself comfortable and relaxed as he is trying to find someone to talk to.

Holden talks about how depressed he is in the book so i choose a song about depression that matches up the way Holden describe his depression.

Paint It Black
by The rolling stones 

I see a red door and I want it painted black
No colours anymore, I want them to turn black
I see the girls walk by dressed in their summer clothes
I have to turn my head until my darkness goes
I see a line of cars and they're all painted black
With flowers and my love, both never to come back
I see people turn their heads and quickly look away
Like a newborn baby, it just happens everyday
I look inside myself and see my heart is black
I see my red door and must have it painted black
Maybe then I'll fade away and not have to face the facts
It's not easy facing up when your whole world is black
No more will my green sea go turn a deeper blue
I could not foresee this thing happening to you
If I look hard enough into the setting sun
My love


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